dinsdag 28 juni 2011

Last week Hieke and I went to a tweedehands fournituur winkel in Den Haag, Matroesjka. The little house (Crispijnstraat 74) had three floors filled with everything you could think of from lace to pins to wool to buttons of every color. It was all organized so perfectly that I had to take pictures for you. There was so much to see I only took pictures on the first floor, so don't forget there is more! All monies go to support a mother and child program, to help mothers who need extra support. Some of the moms work in the store organizing all the fabric (lots of it), jewelry, needles, and other sewing items. It is a great place for all those embellishments and cloth one needs for art quilting and mixed media projects! I would highly recommend a "look-see" for yourself but call ahead because they have limited hours!

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